View Profile Cajunspirit

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HELL YEAH! We need more submissions on NG Booty oriented! Very Funny.Hell yeah man! I am a Bootyologyst. The Fine, The Few & The Proud! Well Done!


It was cool and all but bloody hell lad! When will you improve?! It's all the same since part 1! Ugly graphics but good idea with okay animation! You could do better i'm sure of it.

The Hell!?

Other than the fact this is an extremely short and sub par game/movie? This is a Sonic's Quest For Power RIP OFF! Dammit man the sounds, idea , characters all seem SQFP based. IT's so damn blatant! Anyway it's okay but fighting engine isn't deep enough.

BlackDevilX responds:

Ahh yes. Well if it isnt CajunSpirit. Well lemme just tell you this. The sounds you get from a game. The Z saber sound effect was given to me by Lgd himself. And how is a Sonic Character SQFP based? The idea is not even CLOSE to the same as Lgd sonic quest for power. Now unless you OWN capcom, sega, konami, squarenix i do believe that the sprites dont belong to you. My animation is no where near as nice as Lgds and im not trying to be like him.

By the way I like your Snes tournaments And very good job on Sonics Quest for power 2.


Bloody hell man! When you make a sick movie show the BLOOD DAMMIT! I honestly did'nt find it that sick but could be way better! MORE GORE MORE BLOOD MORE SICKNESS!!! WHOOO! You lack these! Bet Better!

Incredibly ridiculous....but entertaining

That was really dumb. Art sucked but animation was okay. The storyline perposterous but entertaining. The ending was even dumber but comedy made up for it. Improve the art and you'll be good to go!

Better than the first 2 but that aint sayin' much

Okay it shows more effort than the previous ones but it's still a tad bit sub par. You could be great with more practice but the whole stiff images is really bland. You gotta make them move always very eye pleasing. Improve that and your art and your good to go. Not Bad.

Bloody hell.....

That was disturbing... might be funny in a sick way but wrong. Very twisted humour on top of ugly graphics. Poor effort on the drawing part.

Pretty Cool

Hans Zimmer's music from The Last Samurai is truly spectacular. Drawing with the mouse sucks. Pretty good what you displayed here but no evident story in the actual movie. Also your blood animation is seriously flawed and looks lame I do special effects perhaps you might be interested in my help? Good Job Anyway.

'Piss off!

Age 36, Male




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